Remove your emissions with our projects



Farmers in India turn plant waste into a type of charcoal, which locks the carbon, and then use it to improve the soil quality on their farms.
Available from
 13.60 EUR
per month
to project


Bio-oil Injection

Plants are turned into carbon-dense oil, which is then pumped under the ground, back to where it belongs.
Available from
 57.50 EUR
per month
to project


Direct Air Capture

Futuristic machines suck CO2 from the air in Germany and permanently store it in concrete constructions.
Available from
 83.30 EUR
per month
to project


Direct Air Capture

Futuristic machines in the heart of Kenya suck CO2 from the air and pump it deep underground.
Available from
 67.10 EUR
per month
to project


Enhanced Rock Weathering

Crushed rock is spread over agricultural land. When it rains, CO2 in the air interacts with the rock and solidifies.
Available from
 35.40 EUR
per month
to project

Our different types of projects in a nutshell:

Enhanced Rock Weathering

Certain rocks naturally react with CO2 in the air when it rains, turning the CO2 into minerals. This is a very slow process that has been happening already for millions of years. Enhanced rock weathering projects create a high-speed version of this process by crushing these rocks into dust and spreading it on fields.

Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture machines use powerful fans to suck up large quantities of outside air and filter out the CO2.  Through this process, they end up with pure CO2 that was removed directly from the atmosphere. This CO2 can be stored in different ways, but usually it is stored in underground geological formations where it remains for millions of years.

Bio-oil Injection

All plants and trees remove CO2 out of the air as they grow, but they emit it again if they decompose or burn. By turning plants into bio-oil, the carbon that was removed by the plants can be injected in old oil wells where it stays for millions of years. Ideally, waste plant materials are used, for example from agriculture.


All plants and trees remove CO2 out of the air as they grow, but they emit it again if they decompose or burn. By turning plants into biochar, a stable type of charcoal that keep the carbon from being re-emitted, the carbon that was removed by the plants is locked away for hundreds to thousands of years. Ideally, waste plant materials are used, for example from agriculture.

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