
Bio-oil Injection
Long-Term Carbon Removal
Plants are turned into carbon-dense oil, which is then pumped under the ground, back to where it belongs.
 57.50 EUR
to remove 1000 kg
to remove 1000 kg of CO2 per year

Explain it like I'm Five

Plants absorb CO2 from the air through photosynthesis as they grow, storing carbon in their leaves, stems, and roots. When plants die and decay or burn, this carbon goes back into the atmosphere.

Bio-oil injection involves turning plant biomass into bio-oil through pyrolysis, which heats the biomass without burning it. This bio-oil is rich in carbon and can be injected deep underground into empty oil wells, where it stays locked away for thousands of years.

By converting plant residues into bio-oil and storing it deep underground, these projects help decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change mitigation in a sustainable and effective way. This ensures that the CO2 absorbed by plants remains locked away for millions of years, reducing atmospheric carbon.



Charm is based in US, where they purchase inedible agricultural residues from local farmers, providing an additional income stream for the farmers.


This biomass is then turned into bio-oil using their own pyrolysis process and injected into empty oil wells. For these injections, they work with former oil & gas workers, giving them an alternative job opportunity that fits their experience and skills.

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Why we chose this project

At Bigfoot, we are easily charmed by unique carbon removal projects, and Charm's bio-oil injection project certainly does the trick. Let’s see why this project stands out.

First off, let's talk permanence. Charm’s method is one of the most permanent removal methodologies out there, locking carbon underground for millions of years. It’s also easy to accurately calculate the amount of CO2 that’s stored, giving a lot of confidence in the exact impact. Another thing we love is the positive ripple effect on rural farming communities in the US. By providing an additional income stream, Charm supports hard-working farmers who remove carbon while growing our foods. Charm also creates clean job opportunities for former oil and gas operators to repurpose their expertise towards a sustainable future—we think that’s pretty cool!

Since the carbon removal work is done by the farmers, Charm’s climate contribution is in the secure and long-term carbon storage rather than in the removal. Nonetheless, they still play a crucial role in the carbon removal chain. The main downside of Charm’s project is the cost. Charm's bio-oil injection project is priced just below Direct Air Capture (DAC) but higher than most biochar and Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) projects. It’s certainly not the cheapest option but given the accuracy and the duration of the carbon storage, we believe it's well worth the investment.

In summary, Charm's bio-oil injection project is a unique project and a great choice for those who value long-term carbon storage and want to support rural communities in the US. If you're looking to make a solid impact on your carbon footprint and are willing to invest a bit more, this is the project for you.

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