With our carbon footprint calculator you can see what the impact of your personal choices & needs is on your carbon footprint. By answering some questions about your lifestyle, you’ll discover exactly how big your personal carbon footprint is, in kilograms of CO2 per year.
calculateNot happy with what you see? Check out our tips and tricks on how to reduce your footprint. You can recalculate to see your new expected carbon footprint, and how much is still left to offset.
reduceAt Bigfoot, we have made it our mission to select only the highest quality carbon removal projects for you to offset your personal carbon footprint with, and get on the path to personal carbon neutrality.
RemoveAs lifelong friends who care about the climate but who were not living the most climate-friendly lifestyle, we wanted to do something about our personal impact on the climate. We believe that carbon removal has true potential to be great for the climate, but were really disappointed with the current carbon offsetting offering for consumers.
That’s why we strive to give you the most transparent, flexible, and qualitative approach to carbon offsetting.
We understand that you want to know where your money goes, so we're showing you the money. The exact percentages can differ a bit for each project due to rounding, so if every 0.1% counts, you should check the project pages or follow the link below.
Not transparent enough for you?
Check this out!You build up your annual carbon footprint over the course of a whole year, so why wouldn’t you spread out the compensation over an entire year as well? Makes sense, right? Right! On the other hand, some people simply don’t like being tied to subscriptions and prefer to bite the bullet or do their own spreading. Whatever floats your boat!
Not everybody is a hardcore climate hero, and that’s perfectly fine! Everybody has their climate path to walk on, be it in Bigfoot steps or baby steps. We give you the flexibility to buy offsets per 100kg instead of per whole ton. This way you can start with a smaller contribution, while still prioritizing quality over quantity.
Whether you like to mix it up and add a few different projects in your cart to build your own portfolio, or whether you prefer to keep it simple and go all-in on your preferred project, Bigfoot’s got you covered. Can’t choose? Stay tuned for the launch of our curated portfolios for an easy path to a balanced approach.
Guaranteeing only the highest quality projects is really complex. Here's how Bigfoot is approaching this:.
Bigfoot only offers projects that work with highly-regarded international carbon registries such as Puro.earth, Carbon Standards International, and Isometric to verify their climate impact.
All of these registries work with accredited auditors to check that the projects comply with their verification standards and to confirm the climate impact that the projects have. More information on the registries, verification standards, and audits can be found on each project's page.
Only removing previously emitted CO2 is not enough; it must also be stored in a stable location. That’s why our primary quality metric for carbon removal projects is permanence—the duration for which the removed carbon is securely stored without leaking back into the atmosphere.
While natural solutions like trees and soils are effective at removing CO2, they do not provide stable storage and can release CO2 back into the atmosphere after a short period.
This concept is known as additionality. If the CO2 removals would have happened anyway without the project, such as when the project is profitable already without selling credits, then the project does not provide a true climate benefit.
In durable carbon removal, this risk is generally quite limited, but it could be relevant in nature-based projects or in biochar projects.