
Long-Term Carbon Removal
Farmers in India turn plant waste into a type of charcoal, which locks the carbon, and then use it to improve the soil quality on their farms.
 13.60 EUR
to remove 1000 kg
to remove 1000 kg of CO2 per year

Explain it like I'm Five

All plants take in CO2 from the air through photosynthesis as they grow, storing the absorbed carbon in their leaves, stems, and roots. When plants die and decay or burn, this carbon goes back into the atmosphere.

Biochar projects take plant biomass and turn it into biochar using a process called pyrolysis, which heats the biomass without burning it. Biochar is a type of charcoal that locks carbon away, preventing it from returning to the air.

Biochar is useful in many ways. It can improve soil quality of farm lands, be used in construction materials like concrete, and even help clean water and air by filtering out pollutants.

By turning plant residues into biochar, these projects help decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change mitigation in a sustainable and effective way. This ensures that the CO2 absorbed by plants remains locked away for millions of years, reducing atmospheric carbon.



Together with local implementation partners, Carboneers develops decentralized biochar projects in the global South. In their Indian Carboneers project, they work with local partner Together for Restoration to provide rural farming communities with the right training, tools, and technology to convert their waste biomass to biochar.

Through its approach, Carboneers creates a double win for rural farming communities: applying the biomass on their lands increases the crop yields and the sale of carbon credits provides an additional income stream.

Carboneers impacts the following SDG's:

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Why we chose this project

Helping the planet? Great! Supporting farming communities in the global south? Double whammy!

Carboneers' biochar project does just that. First off, biochar is incredibly scalable and affordable. It’s a great way to lock away carbon without breaking the bank. On top of that, Carboneers’ projects provide additional income streams and soil improvement benefits to rural farming communities in the global South. This means your carbon removal spend is giving you double impact.

It is important to note that the carbon removal in biochar projects happens through the farmers’ hard work in growing crops. Carboneers’ role is primarily in ensuring that the removed carbon gets securely stored. While this means the project is more about carbon storage than direct removal, it still is a crucial part of the carbon removal chain. Another consideration is the permanence of the carbon storage. The exact duration can vary depending on the pyrolysis process used and the quality of the biochar. In high-quality biochar projects like Carboneers’, the carbon is guaranteed to stay locked away for centuries to millennia, providing long-term climate benefits.

In summary, Carboneers' biochar project is a scalable and affordable option that supports rural farming communities in India and offers long-term carbon storage, making it a project we’re proud to work with. If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to remove (part of) your carbon footprint while making a positive impact in the global South, this is the project for you.

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