Your carbon footprint

1.200 kg

Scroll down to see what it means and how you can make it smaller

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Your carbon footprint

1.200 kg

Your country's average

1.200 kg

Your carbon footprint per category

Your carbon footprint per category

1.2 times

Your country's average

A drawing of a delivery truck

The same weight as


pickup trucks

So, what now?

We recommend you try to reduce your footprint by 80%, and compensate for the remaining 20% with carbon removal.
80% sounds like a lot? We'll give you some tips to get you on your way!
We recommend you try to reduce your footprint by 80%, and compensate for the remaining 20% with carbon removal.

80% sounds like a lot? Subscribe below and we'll give you some tips to get you on your way!

Your aviation Footprint

The equivalent of taking
one-way flights between Zurich and Amsterdam
Our top tip to reduce this:
For distances under 1000km, try taking a long-distance train instead of a plane. Even the car is usually better than the plane, as long as you're not driving alone.

Your Transportation Footprint

The equivalent of driving
kilometres with a mid-sized car
Our top tip to reduce this:
For your daily commute, the car is the worst option, public transportation is better, but walking or cycling is by far the best choice. Healthier for the planet, healthier for the people around you and healthier for yourself, triple win!

Your Consumption Footprint

The equivalent of producing
pairs of jeans
Our top tip to reduce this:
Take care of your items to extend their lifetime, so you don't have to replace them that often. Especially electronics are very emission-intensive to produce, so if really do need a new phone, try buying a second-hand or refurbished one.
Want more tips?
Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll send some valuable insights your way!

Done reducing? Time to remove!

Reducing your carbon footprint is the single most impactful thing you can do for the climate, but let's face it, it's not exactly a lot of fun.
Even if you manage to do an amazing job in reducing your carbon footprint, it's never going to be completely zero.
The second best thing you can do for the climate? Removing your personal emissions by funding carbon removal projects.
Oh my, what a coincidence, that's exactly what you can do with our Bigfoot package!
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Start Removing CO2 now

€ 39.68 EUR

per month

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of your footprint
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Curated portfolio of third party verified carbon removal projects
Removes carbon for 100 years at least
Supports farming communities in the global South
No commitment - cancel anytime
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How we roll

Bigfoot only offers projects that work with highly-regarded international carbon registries to verify their climate impact.

All of these registries work with accredited auditors to check that the projects comply with their verification standards and to confirm the climate impact that the projects have. More information on the registries, verification standards, and audits can be found on each project's page.

A graphic showing CO2

Only removing previously emitted CO2 is not enough; it must also be stored in a stable location. That’s why our primary quality metric for carbon removal projects is permanence—the duration for which the removed carbon is securely stored without leaking back into the atmosphere.

While natural solutions like trees and soils are effective at removing CO2, they do not provide stable storage and can release CO2 back into the atmosphere after a short period.

Projects must demonstrate that carbon removal credits sales are required to implement a project and that the project is not simply taking credit for an existing activity that would have taken place anyway.

This concept is known as additionality. If the emission removals would have happened anyway, without the additional income from selling the carbon removal credits, then the project does not provide a true climate benefit.

a glimpse into our projects

See all projects

Showing you the money since 2024!

We understand that you want to know where your money goes, so we're showing you the money. The exact percentages can differ a bit for each project due to rounding, so if every 0.1% counts, you should check the project pages or follow the link below.

An icon of a leaf
80.0 %
An icon of a footprint
8.9 %
An icon of a credit card
‍3.0 %
An icon of a calculator
8.1 %
Want even more honesty?
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Our Story

Footprint - 14.029 kg
My biggest carbon sin:

I’m a tech and gadget nerd, so whenever a new version of my favorite smartphone is released, I’ll be the first in line to buy it. Additionally, working as an expat for the last two years has had a serious negative impact on my carbon footprint.

My favourite carbon removal project:

I love the added community impact of our Carboneers project. By supporting rural farming communities, it’s truly a win-win.
Sébastien Painblanc
Black LinkedIn LogoBlack envelope icon
Footprint - 9.485 kg
My biggest carbon sin:

Flying - I love travelling and coming into contact with different cultures. I think it really broadens your horizons, even though I am trying to reduce it now.

My favourite carbon removal project:

Octavia - The first DAC plant in the global South. A perfect combination of a high-tech solution with community impact!
Marnix Valkeniers
Black LinkedIn LogoBlack envelope icon

We’re Sébastien & Marnix—just two friends living our (not-so-climate-friendly) lives when it hit us: climate change is a big deal, and, well, we were part of the problem.

Sure, we knew we should be living more eco-friendly and to a certain extent that's what we did, but let’s be honest, there’s only so much you can do. And we weren’t exactly ready to ditch everything and go live in a tent, surviving off berries in the woods.

Then we stumbled upon carbon offsetting and carbon removal. It seemed like we’d found a solution! But pretty quickly, we realized that nothing out there really worked for us. It was all too focused on businesses, with a lot of low-quality options thrown in.

So, we decided to fix that. That’s how Bigfoot was born—to make carbon removal available for everyone, in a way that’s easy, transparent, and hopefully, a little entertaining.

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CO2 removal, anyone?

We were supposed to add a semi-motivational, semi-funny bit of text here about how removing CO2 from the atmosphere is awesome and saving the climate and how you should totally go for it, but chatGPT was down so we just forgot about it.
Question marks

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between reduction and removal projects?

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Why doesn't Bigfoot offer forest protection or reforestation projects?

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Everybody claims they offer the highest quality, how is Bigfoot any different?

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No, for real. How is Bigfoot any different?

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Why would I offset my carbon footprint with an expensive project, if there are also cheaper ones?

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